
Matchborough First School Academy

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Matchborough First School Academy

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Subject Leaders: Mrs Barlow & Mrs Wakefield

Our Science Subject Definitions



At Matchborough First School Academy our vision is to give children access to a practical and enjoyable science curriculum which enables them to explore and discover the world around them so that they have a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

We will provide children with the opportunity to be involved in exciting, practical hands-on experiences that encourage curiosity and questioning. Our aim is that these stimulating and challenging experiences help children secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary. Where possible, we will embed science into our creative curriculum, providing a meaningful context through which to explore the many aspects of science.

We will encourage children to see science in everyday life through the delivery of the science curriculum and additional whole school science events. In a world that is increasingly shaped by science and technology, it is vital that children are aware of the impact of science on everyday life and enthused to be lifelong learners who will explore the world around them.


At Matchborough First School Academy our aims are:

  • To encourage and develop children’s curiosity and fascination with their world and satisfy this curiosity with knowledge.
  • To develop a balance of scientific skills using an investigative, illustrative and focused task approach.
  • To develop the attitudes of curiosity, open-mindedness, perseverance, tolerance, co-operation, responsibility, critical awareness and originality.
  • To encourage awareness of science and scientific advances outside the classroom that may impact on their lives.
  • To provide science education which will be challenging to all pupils and ensure equality of opportunity.
  • To support and develop children’s language development and enable pupils to become effective communicators.


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