
Matchborough First School Academy

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Matchborough First School Academy

Home Page





A special warm welcome to our new children and their families to our Nursery at Matchborough First School Academy. We are very excited to have you join us. 


What do we do at Nursery?

We provide a wide range of activities which are set in our purposeful room and spacious outside area. We encourage children to learn through playful experiences and support the children in having a well rounded quality Early Years education.


To help keep you informed about what is happening in Nursery and school, a newsletter will be emailed every fortnight and a learning leaflet will be given out each half term. 


Please ensure that children are wearing school uniform. 

Please clearly label jumpers,
cardigans, coats, water bottles and bags with your child's name.


We shall begin these activities: week beginning 16.9.24


Indoor P.E. will take place on a Tuesday and the children will need to wear their P.E. clothes to nursery.


Welly Wednesday will take place on a Wednesday and children need to bring in named wellies in a bag and wear a waterproof or warm coat as the weather can be changeable.



Fruit & Milk - Fruit and milk is free for all children (15hrs & 30hrs) and it will be offered daily.

Water - Research has shown that children can learn more effectively when they drink plenty of fresh water. School water bottles can be purchased from the school office or children can bring in their own which should be labelled.


If your child is attending afternoon nursery, please make sure they have their lunch at home before arriving at the gate for 12.30.


30hrs children only

We prefer your child to bring a healthy packed lunch: For example, sandwiches, fruit, yoghurt, a packet of crisp and fruit drink. No nuts as we are a nut free school. Please label your child's lunchbox carefully because children get upset if they are unsure which one is theirs.


Please let the nursery team know if you have any problems or worries about your child, or if you need someone to talk to...


Mrs Hines, Mrs Jarrett, Mrs Kings and Mrs Bedford 




Our learning theme during Autumn 1 is... Me and My Family... 


Look out for photos of Our Learning Journey


Exploring nursery

Useful websites

Welcome to our school website!