
Matchborough First School Academy

Home Page

Matchborough First School Academy

Home Page

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3



Welcome to our class page. On here you will find some useful information regarding our learning in the week and months ahead.


If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask.

3C staff     Mrs Cartwright        Mrs Chan           Miss Hughes                 




3G  staff          Miss Gill              Mrs Thompson




3M staff          Mr Moore             Mrs  Fowkes         Mrs Chinn


Important information about PE lessons



3C- We have Indoor PE on a Friday and Outdoor PE on a Wednesday.

3G - We have Indoor PE on a Wednesday and Outdoor PE on a Tuesday.

3M - We have Indoor PE on a Tuesday and Outdoor PE on a Monday.


Children can come to school and remain in their PE kits all day on the days they have PE. 

Please ensure that they are wearing correct kit, that long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. If it is trouser weather, can children also bring in shorts. Either wear under trousers or leave in bags during the winter months.


Learning Leaflets






The children will be tested on their spellings every Friday.

Spellings should be written in their SPaG books to gain more points and show that they have been practising them. 


SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Friday - There will be a SPaG test every Friday. Please ensure your child completes their SPaG homework, which will be uploaded to the year 3 page every half term. Remember your child can use Spelling Shed to help them too!


Autumn 1 Spellings

Autumn 2 spellings

Spring 1 spellings

Home learning

All children in the school are rewarded for reading and for learning at home. They will receive a merit every time they read and complete some homework and it is recorded in their log.



In Year Three, children are expected to complete three pieces of homework a week. This can be anything from attending clubs, swimming lessons, spelling practise, reading, practising times tables, handwriting, topic research and helping at home. 



You will have lots of homework ideas for each topic on the back of every Learning Leaflet.

Each entry in your child's Home Learning Diary will receive one merit.


15 merits = Bronze

20 merits = Silver

25 merits = Gold  


Please support the children with their learning at home as much as possible. We encourage children to bring their books back daily to have them changed, however we expect to see and change their books at least twice a week! 

Home learning online

 Please let us know if you need new logins or you need any support with these.


The platforms below are to support your child's learning. Pupils will have logins inside their RED Home Learning books and should be logging on during the week to help them learn their spellings and increase the fluency of their multiplication and division facts.


Purple Mash

This is an educational website that your child can access. It has games and activities for all areas of the curriculum. 

Click here to visit Purple Mash




Spelling Shed

This is where you will find all of your child's spellings once they begin. There are games to help the children learn their new spellings each week.

Click here to visit Spelling Shed




Here you can practise your Maths skills through a variety of different games and



Click here to visit Emile



Times Tables Rock Stars

Here you can practise your times tables skills 



Click here to visit Times Tables Rock Stars

Language Angels - French Learning


Language Angels is a fun and interactive learning tool for children to be able to practice their french learning at home in line with what they are learning weekly in the classroom. This can be logged as home learning in the children's home learning book also.  There is no need to download an app just use the webpage below, and log in as a child using the log in details below



3C= 3CMat

3G = 3GMat

3M= 3MMat

password- Match123

Username and password are case sensitive so please ensure you use the details exactly as above.


Any parent or children feedback is always welcome, please let your child's teacher know.



Welcome to our school website!