
Matchborough First School Academy

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Matchborough First School Academy

Home Page

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

In 4 already! Doesn't time fly! Welcome to Year 4's page. Here you can find out all about life in Year 4 and all the exciting things we get up to. We have included some useful information and websites below.

Year 4 Staff

4R Staff - Mr Richardson (Teacher), Mrs Clayton & Mr Palmer (Teaching Assistants)

4C Staff - Miss Cordey & Mrs Clarke (Teachers) & Mrs O'Toole (Teaching Assistant)

4S Staff - Mrs Smith (Teacher) & Mrs Higgins (Teaching Assistant)


P.E. Days & Swimming

4R - Outdoor PE -Tuesday Indoor PE Thursday 

4C - Outdoor PE - Friday Indoor PE - Thursday

4S - Outdoor PE - Thursday Indoor PE - Monday 



4R - Autumn Term

4C -  Term

4S - Term

Home Learning

Please ensure your child completes at least 4 pieces of home learning a week. This could be anything from reading a couple of pages of their book, practising their times tables, going on Spelling Shed or attending a club. Look out for your child's logins in the front of their Home Learning Diary for our online learning platforms! For each piece of home learning, your child will receive a merit which can contribute to a home learning award each half term. Please make sure you record their home learning in their home learning diary provided and ensure it is signed and dated. Here at Matchborough, we expect children to complete homework as this supports their academic progress, develops independence and prepares them for middle school. If your child completes less than 4 pieces of home learning, they will use some of their lunchtime on a Friday to catch up.

0 - 20 minutes

1 - 15 minutes

2 - 10 minutes

3 - 5 minutes

 Of course we like to reward those children who do lots of home learning. Your child will receive Learning Loot to spend at the Homework Hut and a certificate if they reach either bronze, silver or gold by the end of each half term.

15 merits = Bronze award

20 merits = Silver award

25 merits = Gold award



SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Friday - There will be a SPaG test every Friday. Please ensure your child completes their SPaG homework, which will be uploaded to the year 4 page every half term. Remember your child can use Spelling Shed to help them too!

Children will also be tested on their Times Tables Daily. Please ensure they use our online platform Times Tables Rockstars so they can practise the times tables we are testing them on. You can also use Emile online too which will support your child with understanding mathematical vocabulary. They can also practise Multiplication Tables Checks to prepare them for the National Year 4 Multiplication Check that they complete in the Summer.


You can find links to all our online learning platforms below.




Language Angels is an interactive web page for children to be able to access French games, songs, recap of work learnt in school. Please see link at the bottom of our Year group page.

This can also be counted towards the children's home learning in their red books. 


Welcome to our school website!