Welcome back! And welcome to our new friends and their families. We hope you have had a lovely summer holiday and are ready for lots of fun-filled learning! We can’t wait to get started!
This is where we will put any new information about the language class (LC) and school in general, so please do check in regularly. Click on our Termly Topic icons (the colourful pencils) to find our Learning Leaflets (which detail what we are learning about this term and homework activities for you to complete) and to see any photos of the learning we have been doing in class. Continue to scroll down to find information and photos of whole school theme days.
Your teachers are Mrs Barlow (Mon-Thurs) and Mrs Wainwright (Fri). Our full time Teaching Assistant is Mrs Teague. Mrs Spooner (Speech and Language Therapist) will be in school on Mondays (all day) and Thursday mornings.
Our school day starts at 8:50 and ends at 3:30.
All children can have free school lunches (Rec to Year 2).
Children in Reception to Year 2 can have free fruit at morning playtime.
Children in KS2 can choose to have 'Second Chance Breakfast' at morning playtime.
There will be a morning and afternoon playtime.
This year our PE Days are:
All children: Indoor PE on Wednesday (as a Language Class)
Year 1 & 2: Outdoor PE is on Thursday (with 1P)
Year 3: Outdoor PE is on Monday (with 3M)
Children can come to school and remain in their PE kits all day on the days they have PE.
Please ensure that they are wearing correct kit, that long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. If your child is doing gymnastics (Indoor PE), they will need to wear or bring shorts.
** Please note the change of day (from 25/11/24): Reception children will go to Forest School each week with Seahorses class. This will be every Monday. Please make sure your child wears long trousers and a long sleeved top to school for Forest. When it gets cooler, your child will also need a warm winter coat. We have waterproof trousers in school for the children to wear on wet days.
KS1 & 2 High Frequency Words & Spellings
This term we will be focussing on reading tricky words and words that occur frequently in books that we read (High Frequency Words). We will be sending home 'pot words' for your child to practice and these will be checked weekly in school.
** Children in KS1 and KS2 will now be completing weekly spelling tests. These spellings need to be practised at home. The spelling test will be every Friday. Your child will need their spelling book in school on this day. A letter has been sent home with information about how you can support your child to learn their spellings.
We would like the children to bring into school the following things:
Lunchbox (if they are not having a school dinner) - Daily
Drink Bottle - Daily
Coat - Daily (Please note that we try to play outside as often as possible so this might be in light rain and cold weather, please send a coat in 'just in case')
Reading Book and Home Learning Diary – Daily – reading books will be checked and changed regularly. Please make sure you write in your child’s Home Learning Diary to show when they have read to you. (This will help us to know when to change their books.)
All children in the school are rewarded for reading and for learning at home. They will receive a merit every time they complete some home learning and it is recorded in their log. Home learning can include: reading or sharing books, practising tricky words, completing phonics sheets, practising some maths, completing a home learning task from the termly learning leaflet. If could also include taking part in an activity outside school - learning a new skill such as swimming, football or gymnastics.
15 merits = Bronze
20 merits = Silver
25 merits = Gold
At the end of each half term, the children's merits will counted and they will receive a certificate and possibly even a surprise class treat!
Please support the children with their learning at home as much as possible. And please do remember to record their learning in their Home Learning Log Book/ Diary - so they can be rewarded for all their hard work!
We encourage children to bring their books back daily to have them changed or so they can read with an adult in class. Please do send books in every day, even if your child is not ready to change it.
Reception Children
Once you have settled into school, you will start bringing books home to share with your families. You will also have phonics sheets to complete, that will be linked to the sounds you begin to learn in Phonics lessons. A letter explaining home learning opportunities will be sent home and posted below once you have settled in. If you would like to make a start on some home learning, then please do take a look at the ideas listed on the Learning Leaflet for this half term.
KS1 children
You will have 'pot words' to practice - try to practice regularly so you begin to recognise these words without needing to sound them out. (Don't forget to ask an adult to sign your home learning diary to show that you have practised these!)
You may also get phonics or handwriting sheets to complete. These will be focus sounds or letter formation specifically for you.
You will have home learning opportunities on your home learning leaflets. Please do try to complete some (or all!) of these.
There are lots of home learning opportunities, so I am sure that everyone can get to the top of our home learning chart.
Let's go for GOLD!!!!
Home Learning Online
To support your home learning, these online platforms are available:
Click here to visit Purple Mash
Click here to visit Spelling Shed
Click here to visit Letterjoin
Click here to find Topmarks Maths
Click here to find TTRockstars