
Matchborough First School Academy

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Matchborough First School Academy

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Subject leader: Miss Pelling 



Geography Subject Definitions



At MFSA we teach Geography using a thematic curriculum where it is relevant and appropriate. We value Geography because it allows all children the opportunity to explore the relationship and interaction between the Earth and its people, through the study of place, space, and the environment.

Geography is focus for understanding the physical world, resolving issues about the environment and recognising the importance of sustainable development for the future of mankind.

Through direct experience, practical activities and the use of secondary sources children develop skills of enquiry, research, investigation and problem solving, and an understanding of drawing and the interpretation of maps.  



helps pupils make sense of their own experiences and personal geographies

Introduces pupils and extend their awareness, knowledge and understanding of the wider world

Develops pupils’ spatial awareness, and location knowledge and understanding

  Develops pupils’ knowledge understanding of what environments are like, they are, and how they are changing

Fosters pupils’ appreciation of the environment and of the Earth as their home, and help them to understand why sustainability is important

Encourages pupils to be thoughtful about how their own decisions affect their lives and the lives of others, including those they will never know

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