
Matchborough First School Academy

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Matchborough First School Academy

Home Page

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

2G staff

2W staff

Important information about PE lessons


2G - We have Indoor PE on a Wednesday and Outdoor PE on a Friday

2W - We have Indoor PE on a Friday and Outdoor PE on a Wednesday


Children can come to school and remain in their PE kits all day on the days they have PE. 

Please ensure that they are wearing correct kit, that long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. If your child is doing gymnastics, they will need to wear or bring shorts.


We will be focusing on phonics sounds that we are learning in our daily phonics sessions, the Year 1 and 2 common exception words and spellings rules from our SPaG lessons. Please encourage your child to practise these at home and this can be written in their home school diary.

The children  will have a spelling quiz each week on a Friday.

spellings week commencing 9.12.2024

Our new topic is....

Plastic Pollution

This term we will be heading from the Monster Zoo straight into the depths of the ocean. We will meet some sea creatures along the way and find out about an issue that is affecting our oceans. We will be describing settings, taking the role of a character and researching and presenting information. We are sure to have a splashing time in the run up to Christmas!


We will be reading the book 'Duffy's Lucky Escape'.



To find out more about our learning this half term, take a look at our learning leaflet below.

Be sure to write ALL of the home learning you do into your diary to get points!

Home learning

All children in the school are rewarded for reading and for learning at home. They will receive a merit every time they read and complete some homework and it is recorded in their log.


15 merits = Bronze

20 merits = Silver

25 merits = Gold

50 merits = Platinum 

(Please note that platinum is in class only!)



Please support the children with their learning at home as much as possible. 


We encourage children to bring their books back daily to have them changed, however we expect to see and change their books at least twice a week!


We will have weekly spelling tests. We will upload these here for you, as well as on Spelling shed. Tests will take place every Friday!


Home learning online

 Please let us know if you need new logins or you need any support with these.


Purple Mash

This is an educational website that your child can access. It has games and activities for all areas of the curriculum.

Click here to visit Purple mash.



Spelling Shed

This is where you will find your child's weekly spellings. There are games to help the children learn their new spellings each week. A trophy is awarded to the class that access Spelling Shed the most each week.

Click here to visit spelling shed.





Here you can practise your Maths skills through a variety of different games and


Click here to visit Emile.


Welcome to our school website!