At Matchborough First School Academy we love to bring our curriculum to life. We do this through holding events days that encourage creativity, learning and fun. These days inspire children, build character, teach them about the wider world and also involve parents and the community in our love of learning.
We plan and build these days around the idea of transferable and memorable knowledge, to ensure our teaching of the curriculum inspires children with the ultimate goal that ‘children know more and are able do more’.
Have a look at the event days that have taken place in our school.
Children's World Mental Health Week
Intent: The purpose of acknowledging Children's Mental HealthWeek is to give the children an awareness of how important mental health is and how to deal with emotions that they may feel. Being mindful about mental health helps children recognise the part each person has to play in creating a society that understands the importance of good mental health. Our awareness week seeks to inspire action and promote the message of good mental health for everyone.
If you never give up your mental health will become more positive. Zoe
Knowing our emotions helps build our resilience as we know other people can feel the same. Mason
If we share our emotions people can help us, especially if we're feeling sad. Jazmine
It's important to know that it's ok to have feelings like anger, sadness or be anxious. Other people might be feeling the same way too. Jack
Sharing our emotions is good for our mental health. Dominic
Being resilient is good, you can get better at something, even if the task seems difficult to begin with. Jackson.
Anti-bullying Week
Intent: The purpose of acknowledging Anti-bullying Week is to give the children an awareness of how bullying can affect people. Choose Respect is the theme for this week and will hopefully empower children and young people to not resort to bullying, even when we disagree.
Bullying affects millions of lives and can leave us feeling hopeless. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If we challenge it, we can change it. And it starts by choosing respect.
Odd Socks Day was a fun day that marked the start of Anti-Bullying Week. This was an opportunity for children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality
Anti-bullying week in school is so we know that people shouldn't bully people. Bullying is doing mean things to each other, or online. It's repeated! Katelyn 3G
We talk about bullying to make people aware that it is not a good thing. We wore odd socks to celebrate Anti-bullying week. Micheal 3M
We wore odd socks to show that everyone is different, and it's good to be different. Scarlett 4S
We learnt about respect and that we should always care for people. Sofia 4C
We wore odd socks because they are different, just like people. David 4C
World Mental Health Day
The aim of the day was to raise awareness of mental health and to drive positive change for everyone’s wellbeing. The theme for this year’s day was ‘It is time to prioritize mental health in the workplace.’
The children wore something yellow in support of World Mental Health Day, and participated in supporting an NSPCC activity by taking part in the Kindness Challenge. As school is their workplace, we wanted to create more kindness in our school community by working through a list of kindness activities that they completed in class.
People may experience poor mental health, so it's a day to support them. Mason, yr 4
It's a day to remind people to look after their mental health as much as their physical health. Daisy, yr 4
It's good to be positive, Phoebe, yr 4
If someone is feeling sad they can be reminded that it's good to talk. Ally, yr 4
We wanted to kick start National Sports Week 2024 with a bang! The aim was to educate children about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, physical fitness and personal well-being. This was done with a super fun and active approach which engaged the children from start to finish, creating an enjoyable learning environment. There was a mixture of Science, P.E and PSHE involved in the day to educate the children about their own bodies.
Children learnt about fundamental movement skills strength, balance, co-ordination, agility and power in fast fun games.
We want all children at Matchborough to aspire to lead a rich, full healthy life: they were reminded of 8 healthy lifestyles tips which we aim for all our children to follow:
The children at Matchborough were wonderful to teach today. Every single child put 100% effort in to all the activities and it was great to see all their smiling faces. The teachers worked hard too. I hope to come back one day soon. Keep up the good work. Carl - Kidz Fit
That was the best day ever! Owen Year 1
I really enjoyed the session because I love sport and the school session was linked to sport. My favourite part was demonstrating jumping at the front. Charlie 3M
Kidz Fit was brilliant! It taught us alla bout keeping healthy. I think it’s a great ideas for all school. My favourite part was Hula-Hooping! Felicity 3M
Science Day (11th March 2024)
The purpose of acknowledging British Science Week is to give the children an awareness of how important and far-reaching science is. It really is all around us! Our awareness week seeks to inspire children to recognise the impact of science in our daily lives and understand some of the many career opportunities that are available in the world of science. We want to foster a deep understanding of science beyond the National Curriculum that is taught in schools and inspire children to pursue science in their future.
The theme for British Science Week this year is ‘TIME’, as it is the 30th Anniversary of British Science Week! We can find examples of time within all subjects and all around us, making it an excellent starting point for a celebration of science! Here are some ideas of how science can be linked to ‘Time’:
World Book Week wb 4th March 2024
Our aim was to use World Book Day and World Book Week to provide opportunities to focus on reading for pleasure, supporting children's autonomy in book choice, especially at our Book Fair, and embedding a habit of reading that brings a wide range of benefits. We wanted children to become immersed in a new genre of fiction and be inspired by our author visit so much so that they too pick up more more books and maybe become an author themselves one day. The use of the text Lights on Cotton Rock allowed children to appreciate what they have around them and in turn use this to help children less fortunate than themselves by raising money for children in hospitals during our Readathon.
Intent :
Our aim was to use Healthy Heart day to give the children an awareness of how important it is that we look after our bodies to create a positive impact on their mental health and show children how to lead healthy active lives. We recognise that being active helps children to perform better academically and have a successful future. We aim for all children to develop a lifelong love of being active.
This year’s
Intent :
Our aim was to use Healthy Heart day to give the children an awareness of how important it is that we look after our bodies to create a positive impact on their mental health and show children how to lead healthy active lives. We recognise that being active helps children to perform better academically and have a successful future. We aim for all children to develop a lifelong love of being active.
This year’s theme was Healthy Heart, Healthy mind.
Reception: Balance bikes
Year 1 and year 2: Scooters
Year 3 and Year 4: Skateboarding
theme was Healthy Heart, Healthy mind.
Reception: Balance bikes
Year 1 and year 2: Scooters
Year 3 and Year 4: Skateboarding
Damien 2C: This was really fun and I want to do it every day.
Ellie 2C: I liked doing the trick when I have to duck down on a scooter. I hope we can do it again.
George LC: I liked doing the tricks. I could lift up my knee and kick my leg. It was fun.
Skyla 4R - I really liked how we were taught the skills for skateboarding first rather than just being expected to know how to skateboard. I loved it because it was so different to what we normally do and I felt so cool!
Children's Mental Health Week
Intent: The purpose of acknowledging Mental Health Awareness Week is to give the children an awareness of how important mental health is and how to deal with emotions that they may feel. Being mindful about mental health helps children recognise the part each person has to play in creating a society that understands the importance of good mental health. Our awareness week seeks to inspire action and promote the message of good mental health for everyone. This year’s theme My Voice Matters, can help us to ensure that children and young people across the UK feel listened to, and know that they are not alone.
It's good to know how we can look after ourselves and what to do if we feel worried. Vivian
We know how to not bottle our feelings up inside and not to be scared to tell an adult how we feel. Gracie-Mae.
It's a great to have a Wellness Ambassador in our class as it is someone else to talk to if we need to. Millie-Rose
Year 4 Viking Hook Day
-Understand Viking battle formations and tactics.
-Understand Viking entertainment.
-Understand the role of archaeology and what artefacts tell us about the past.
-Understand Viking laws, justice, and the role of a thing.
World Nursery Rhyme Week 13th - 17th November
We understand that nursery rhymes are excellent teaching tools. We aimed to raise the profile of nursery rhymes throughout the school, helping children with:
-language and literacy skills
-numeracy skills
-social, emotional and physical skills
We took on the Rhyme a Day Challenge and learnt a nursery rhyme each day, even adding our own actions! Our KS2 children visited Reception and Nursery each day to help teach the rhymes.
Take a look at Reception performing Wheels on the Bus by clicking the link below to take you to the Video Resource Centre page on our website.
Jeans for Genes Day 2023
The purpose of celebrating Jeans for Genes Day is to help our children understand that everyone is different and that is OK. We must always treat everyone the same no matter what. We learn about genes in our bodies and that although some children may look or act differently this maybe due to certain genes in their bodies being faulty. By raising money and awareness in school we can make a real difference to some children and can mean that they get the equipment and care that they really need, it also helps to raise money for scientists to find cures to help children who are poorly.
Wearing jeans means that we were supporting children who are not as lucky as us. Lumines 4JS
We wore jeans to school because we want to help people that have genetic disorders like ones who easily break their bones. Katelyn, 2C
We wanted to help raise money for children who may need a little more help than we do. Vivian 4JS
We really understood that we weren't just wearing jeans for fun, that we were helping children with genetic disorders. Ollie 4R
Through the day we learnt about children who live with certain differences that make their lives more difficult. Zach 4ES
Cheltenham Science Festival Trip
(9th July 2023)
To excite and engage children in science beyond the school science curriculum, showing children the varied opportunities available in scientific careers.
Last week a selected group of KS2 children went to the Cheltenham Science Festival. They had a great day exploring the event held in Imperial Gardens. There were various tents, with hands-on science, technology and art activities to experience. On arrival, the group visited the Arcade tent, which had many scientific technology challenges and demonstrations including flying a drone, cracking some code and learning about cyber security. After lunch we attended an amazing, engaging show by Stefan Gates (television presenter, author and life show performer). We learnt all about our bodies in a fun and interactive way. Before heading back to school the group were able to spend an hour exploring art and science activities in the Maker Shack. A particular favourite was coding to make a robotic head move and creating lego structures with the most enormous amount of lego available!
Why not check out Stefan Gates on his website. He has many engaging experiments and demonstrations to watch and do.
"It was the best trip ever!"
"I enjoyed the Fartology show the most... especially when I was chosen to sit on the Whoopie Cushion!"
"I liked the Maker Shack. I liked building with the lego."
Coronation Celebration
Crowns and Gowns
Intent: The purpose of celebrating the King’s coronation is to teach children about our Royal Family and how important they are to our Nation. We want them to be inspired by the dedication of the Royal Family and how their traditions have shaped our country. We want the children to appreciate why he is important to our British Values.
In school we celebrated by completing coronation activities throughout the day. We took this opportunity to link the celebrations to our British Values, in our classroom learning and through assembly time. We enjoyed a celebratory Picnic in the Playground for lunch and the children to dressed as Kings, Queens, Royalty or in red, white and blue.
Today has been important because Coronations of a monarch do not come along very often and it is good to celebrate it. I enjoyed getting to know what it is like to run a stall at our Enterprise Fete. Archie M 4R
It's important to celebrate the King's coronation out of respect which is one of our British Values. Calum 3S
Year Four Enterprise was great because it was really good fun and they had great prizes. Skyla 3S
British Science Week 2023
10th - 19th March
This Monday (13.03.23) the whole school took part in a whole day of science activities to celebrate British Science Week.
The purpose of acknowledging British Science Week is to give the children an awareness of how important and far-reaching science is. It really is all around us! Our awareness week seeks to inspire children to recognise the impact of science in our daily lives and understand some of the many career opportunities that are available in the world of science. We want to foster a deep understanding of science beyond the National Curriculum that is taught in schools and inspire children to pursue science in their future.
The theme for British Science Week was 'Connections'. Nearly all innovations in science, technology, engineering and maths are built on connections between people; two (or more) heads are better than one, after all! But as well as exploring the importance and joy in connections between individual scientists, research groups and institutions, you can discover the different ways connections appear across all areas of science. Evolution, for example, shows us the ways that animals, including humans, as well as well, plants and bacteria are all connected in a family tree stretching back millennia.
All of the children were involved in a Forensic Workshop. Reception and Year 1 experienced our very own Matchborough Crime Scene - The mystery of the missing biscuits! Years 2, 3 and 4 took part in a fantastic workshop delivered by Becky from Education Group. They investigated a case of stolen money.
The children explored different connections in science in their individual year groups.
World Book Day & Book Snuggles 2023
Stories From Other Cultures
Children's Mental Health Week
The theme for this years children's mental health week is Let's Connect. This is about making meaningful connections for all. During Children's Mental Health Week, we’re encouraging people to connect with others in healthy, rewarding, and meaningful ways. Human beings thrive in communities, and this connection is vital for our wellbeing, and our survival. When we have healthy connections – to family, friends and others – this can support our mental health and our sense of wellbeing. When our need for rewarding social connections is not met, we can sometimes feel isolated and lonely – which can have a negative impact on our mental health.
Friendships are really important to stay happy. Calum 3S
My mummy and nanny make me thankful. Noah Nursery
I think it is important because it helps us to be relaxed and be positive.
Zoe, 2C
We need good mental health to keep our minds healthy and having good family and friends helps us do that. Skyla 3S
I enjoyed doing the mindful jigsaw pieces to help me relax. Jack 2W
I learned I could pretend I am an ice cube melting to help calm me down. Ally 2W
Mental Health Week makes us aware that we need to keep our bodies and our minds healthy. It will help us as we get older too. Travis 4R
Year 4 Viking day
Wednesday 4th January 2023
The aim of inviting a ‘Viking visitor’ into school was to fully immerse children in their new topic and bring to life the Viking age through an engaging and informative day.
The intent of the day was to help children to:
Staff and pupils also dressed as Vikings to make the day more memorable. There was lots of interactivity when handling weapons, observing fire lighting and participating in role-play using props and costumes.
Anti Bullying Week
Odd Sock Day
"We celebrate odd sock day to help us remember that we are all unique and special in our own way!" Patryk 4R
"Anti-bullying week is important because it raising awareness about bullying and prevents victims from suffering in silence." Jack 4R
"We wear odd socks to show that it doesn't matter if you're different and you shouldn't be bullied if you are." Jasper 3S
"We need to respect other people even if they like different things than you." Skyla 3S
"Anti-Bullying Week is a reminder that we need to be kind to everyone" Edward 3S
Our Majesty the Queen's
Platinum Jubilee
Intent: The purpose of celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee anniversary is to teach children about our Royal Family and how important they are to our Nation. We want them to be inspired by the dedication of the Queen and how she has shaped our country. We want the children to appreciate why she is important to our British Values and why she is so respected in today’s world.
She is our Queen and we should respect and celebrate her.
She follows all of our British Values. Macie-J.
She's been our Queen for 70 years and it's important to celebrate her as she is our longest serving Queen. Hattie.
Mental Health Week 2022
More than one in 10 primary school children aged five to 10 has an identifiable mental health condition – that’s around three children in every class.
Intent: The purpose of acknowledging Mental Health Awareness Week is to give the children an awareness of how important mental health is and how to deal with emotions that they may feel. Being mindful about mental health helps children recognise the part each person has to play in creating a society that understands the importance of good mental health. Our awareness week seeks to inspire action and promote the message of good mental health for everyone.
To acknowledge Mental Health Week in Matchborough First School Academy we completed an activity each day.
We enjoyed Mindfulness Monday, Talking Tuesday, Walking Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday and Feelings Friday.
It's good to understand how people can suffer from Mental Health and that we can all help. Ellie
If feel angry or sad we have learnt ways to help us keep calm. Fabian
It is really good to understand that we all have different emotions at different times. Samuel
Some of the activities we learnt will help me stay calm and feel happy. (Hattie)
On Tuesday 8th February, MFSA celebrated Safer Internet Day with the theme ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online.’
Online safety is an essential part of children’s education in today’s digital world and it is our intent to ensure this in firmly embedded in their learning at school and provides them with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves safe when using technology. We also want to support our parents and children improve their own understanding of online safety issues so they can learn to use the internet in a safe and secure way.
"Mrs Farr asked us who could help us on the Internet and I said we could ask a grown up."
Freddie, Reception
"We don't play on tablets for too long. We could use them for homework. We need to ask an adult first."
Annie, Year 1
"I learnt about online bullying an how people can be kind or unkind."
Jacob, Year 2
"I learnt about how to stay safe online. I made my own comic strip to show how Rapunzel can stay safe on the Internet."
Nathan, Year 3
"If you see something bad, report it to and adult or press Hector in school."
Travis, Year 4
"I was really impressed with the children's knowledge about online safety, particularly with online gaming and the necessary steps they would take should they encounter problems online."
Mr Richardson, Year 3 teacher
Hrothgar the Viking visits Matchborough!!
The aim of inviting a ‘Viking visitor’ into school was to fully immerse children in their new topic and bring to life the Viking age through an engaging and informative day.
The intent of the day was to help children to:
“The whole day was really fun and I learnt lots of interesting facts about the Vikings.” Kye ( 4SC)
“I loved handling the Viking weapons, the helmet was very heavy when I put it on my head -Elliott (4NB)
“I really enjoyed hearing and watching the stories being acted out. It helped me to find out more about the Viking funerals.” Amelia (4AB)
“I liked it when Hrothgar raided our classroom to start with-“- Freya (4NB)
“I learnt so much and can’t wait to find out more.” (Cole 4B)
“The whole day was immersive and all the children were fully engaged. They enjoyed learning as well as asking lots of questions – Miss Begum (Year 4 teacher)
No Pens Wednesday - November 24th 2021
No pens Wednesday is a nationwide annual event when teachers and pupils focus on learning through speaking and listening activities. Speech is a powerful tool for learning and No Pens Wednesday gives us all the opportunity to give speech a staring role! In addition, this year we
combined 'No Pens Wednesday' with 'Dress as your favourite Word' day to give pupils and staff the opportunity to shine a light on their favourite vocabulary.
Staff and pupils showed their fantastic creativity with their costumes showcasing vocabulary! Lessons were taught that were part of planned sequences of learning but this was achieved through talk, giving children the opportunity to really demonstrate an understanding of key concepts. The day ended with a celebratory assembly where children shared reflected on the day, their learning and showed off their fabulous costumes.
''Learning is about thinking, not just using a pencil'' - Maizie year 4
Anti-Bullying Week -Odd Sock Day
Intent: The purpose of Odd Sock Day is an introduction to anti-bullying week in which we want to ensure children understand what bullying is, what to do if they think they are being bullied and what it means to be kind. We will be encouraging random acts of kindness both in school and at home.
Wearing odd socks is an opportunity for children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality.
It's good to wear odd socks because it shows how unique we are. (Hattie)
We wear odd socks to show we are all different and that's ok. We are all special
in our own way. (Macie-J)
We shouldn't be bullied, being different is good, you are still a good person. (Corey)
We have learnt how to deal with bullies, we know to tell a teacher or grown-up if we see
anyone upset or being bullied. (Poppy)
Digital Parenting week will be taking place during the week…
11th-15th October
Intent: To celebrate how parents and carers have supported children during lockdown at home with remote learning and to promote children’s and adults wellbeing online. The activities will encourage important conversations at home about how being online can affect emotions and behaviour. It will empower parents/carers to encourage a heathy digital diet.
For the past 2 years, parents and carers have had even more than normal to juggle. We would like to thank you for all you’ve done to support your children's wellbeing during the school closures and remote learning and we want to celebrate everything you continue to do!
In school this half term, our focus is Digital Literacy with an emphasis on Online Safety. We will be reinforcing the importance of this during the week as well as discussing any challenges we may have overcome during remote learning. We will be taking the time to acknowledge the hard work that parents and carers have put in. The children will have chance to reflect on how family and friends have helped them with their online learning.
FREE National Online Safety training
We would like to remind you about the app we have for online safety training for parents and carers. The resources include Parents & Carers courses (presented by Myleene Klass), online video resources and weekly guides covering a huge range of topics.
To create your account, please follow and complete your details. When you’re set up, you’ll be able to set ‘Parent/Carer’ as your user type. You can access National Online Safety online via any device, including via the brand-new smartphone app.
For every parent/carer that signs up and completes the parent training, they will be entered into a draw for a chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher!
We hope you will join us to ensure our children can be safe online at home and in school!
I did some yoga with my Mum to help me relax.
I talked to my Mum about screen time on my tablet.
Jeans for Genes Day
Intent: The purpose of celebrating Jeans for Genes Day is to help our children understand that everyone is different and that is OK. We must always treat everyone the same no matter what. We learn about genes in our bodies and that although some children may look or act differently this maybe due to certain genes in their bodies being faulty. By raising money and awareness in school we can make a real difference to some children and can mean that they get the equipment and care that they really need, it also helps to raise money for scientists to find cures to help children who are poorly.
Genes are cells in our bodies and sometimes those cells don’t work properly which could mean that someone needs to use a wheel chair.
Francine Yr 4
We wear Jeans on Jeans for Genes Day to remember to help children who need more than we do.
Corey Yr 3
It's good to help raise money to get medicines for other children
Alfie Yr 3
It is important to help children with medical stuff.
Logan Yr 2
Jeans for Genes is all about helping children get better and keeping them alive.
Finnley Yr 2
Mental Health Awareness Week 2021
We celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week at school to promote Mental Health and Well being and raise awareness within our community. This year the theme was 'Getting time outdoors' which is a fitting theme considering we have spent most of the last year in our homes. The aim of the day is to encourage the children to talk about their feelings and emotions to others no matter how big or small they think their problem is.
Click below to watch 3H sing This is Me
Exercise is important for your physical and mental health- Eli, Year 4
Talking is really important- Skylar, Year 3
Mental health is all about your feelings and emotions- Reegan, Year 3
Small feelings can grow and grow and it can stop you from living your life, it is important to tell someone- Ben, Year 3
Looking after your mental health is important for your well-being because it makes you feel good and happy about yourself. This helps the people around you feel happy and good too- Paige, Year 4
V.E. Day
7th May 2021
Intent: The purpose of celebrating V.E, Day is to teach children about the past and the importance of treasuring our Nation and understanding how the past has shaped our country. We also want children to understand the importance of British Values and how important democracy and respect are in today’s world.
V.E. Day celebrates the fact we all have the right to be different and no-one should stop us. (Ruby, Year 4)
It's important to know things from our past. (Arfa, Year 3)
V.E. Day is important because we are celebrating the victory of Europe in World War 2. (Noah, Year 3)
Democracy is voting for what you want so it's fair. (Year, 1)
Victory in Europe Day is about Europe winning the Second World War. (Leila Year 4)
We have democracy in school because we vote for our book at the end of the day. (Reception)
It's important to remember the people who died in the War as they helped us win. (Imogen, Year 3)
British Science Week 2021
World Book Day 2021
A Wonderland of Books!
The intent of the day was to celebrate and promote children’s classic literature and raise awareness of different authors. We wanted all children to:
“I love Paddington! We made little bears and I liked dressing up. I showed everyone my favourite book too!” Harrison 1G
"I liked talking about our costumes and explaining the stories they were from. I had fun retelling stories!"
Travis Year 2
"I liked dressing up as my favourite book character and talking about the story she was from." Lucy 2LW
“I really enjoyed World Book Day – the best part was predicting the ending to the Winnie the Pooh story.” Elliot Year 3
“It was a really fun day because we got to learn about the fun of reading and use our imagination with books.” Phoebe Year 3
World Book Day makes me want to read books every single day – I went home and read my favourite book – Fletcher Wright’s Adventures.” Fletcher Year 3
"I thoroughly enjoyed the day. I loved Treasure Island because it was full of adventure. I enjoyed the part where they travelled to different parts of the world." Jacob 4PC
"Treasure Island was great! I think being a pirate would have been exciting but dangerous. My favourite part was when the blind beggar Pew got trampled to death by horses." Alfie 4M
No Pens Wednesday
Wednesday 2nd October 2019
Transferable skills used:
Challenging stereotypes
Pens down, speak up!
#NoPensDay is a day dedicated to showcasing the importance of speech, language and communication. The aim of No Pens Wednesday is to teach children why it is so important to listen to one another and communicate effectively.
Children learn that communication can happen in a number of different way. They also learn about those who communicate when they do not have a voice or they cannot hear and we build more understanding for the difficulties they may face.
“I liked today because my hands had a rest but
my mind and voice didn’t get a test.
Listening is so important!” Lana, Year 4
“It was really fun today, playing learning games but not writing.
We learned how to listen and be quite…it was peaceful.
We talked and listened to each other” Phoebe, Year 2
"You learn how to communicate in different ways" Ethan, Year 4
"I really enjoyed the listening games
especially Sleepy Giant!" Viki, Year 4
"You understand how important listening is and how to
listen to each other" Phoebe, Year 4
"There are other ways to communicate such as
sign language and this is just
as important as
speaking and writing" Calum, Year 4
"We had to use a brain in a different way today, I loved Dingbats!" Liam, Year 4
National Heritage Day
Friday 13th September 2020
Transferable skills used:
Thirst for knowledge and enquiry
Influential people
Development of technology
Time and timelines
Our place in the world
Geographical location treasuring our Nation
The aim of National Heritage day was to teach children about important figures, famous historic monuments and periods of time from history that have shaped Britain to make it the country it is today.
The intent of the day was to help children to;
Teachers and children all dressed up as an influential person from British History, this made the day even more memorable and meaningful as we could talk about our characters and why we chose to dress up as them,