Welcome to our Eco page!
At Matchborough we are the proud holders of a green flag award and will be working towards achieving it again!
The Eco warriors will be choosen during the next few weeks, keep a look out below!
Keep checking back to see what we are up to and if there is any way you can be part of our ideas!
Eco Warriors
This year we have a range of warriors across the school from both Key Stage One and Key Stage 2!
The names of our warriors are below, they have enjoyed sharing ideas and support Miss Pelling towards earning the Green Eco Award flag for another year!
Year 1 -
Year 2 -
Year 3 -
Year 4 -
Plant a plant day 2023
Plant a Plant Day will be held on Tuesday 6th June 2023.
We have a 'Best of British' theme this year and cannot wait to see the amazing field of red, white and blue that we create with the flowers!
There will be a range of activities for you to do with your child/ children after you have planted your plants. As well as a variety of different locations for you to place your plant! We have the field planter, tyres, several pots and different freestanding planters as well as 2 welly walls that have been created using donated wellies from parents!
Recycle your printer cartridges!
We now have a recycling box in the main office for your printer cartridges. We can raise money for each box we can send back which we will use across the school for resources to aid the children's learning and development across the school.
If you would like a battery box to take home and collect them in there before returning them to school please come and find me in Year 1 (Miss Pelling).
Although we are still encouraging you to donate batteries they no longer collect from school! However there is a battery recycling point at Morrisons and other local supermarkets for you to drop off your batteries!
If you do donate your batteries please let Miss Pelling know how many you have donated so i can keep 'Big Battery Hunt' informed of how many batteries our school are recycling!!
Swap Shop!
We have enjoyed 2 Swap shops this year.. Keep an eye out for our new name!